Compassion, Respect, and Understanding

As an attorney, I understand that probate, trust administration, and litigation are not just legal processes—they are deeply personal experiences for the families involved. While I am fully prepared to be a fierce advocate when necessary, I have found that many situations are best resolved with respect, compassion, and a focus on preserving family relationships. I’m sharing these stories not only to give you insight into how I work but also to humanize what can often feel like an impersonal process. Make no mistake, this is a law firm founded and operating on Christian-based principles of generosity, courage, love, respect, hope, and peace. These values lead everything we do. Parties may be in conflict—and that’s okay. Steel sharpens steel. Sometimes we find ourselves in disagreement—that’s okay, too. There is a process for that. But at the end of the day, these are families, not business entities, and they deserve to be treated with care and understanding.

Trust Administration During a Family Death and Divorce

One of the more sensitive cases I handled involved administering a trust after a family death occurred in the midst of a painful divorce. The couple had been going through a contentious separation when one of the spouse’s parents passed away, leaving behind a significant estate. The death compounded the already tense situation, as the spouse who inherited was now responsible for administering their parent’s trust, while still navigating the emotional and legal complexities of their own divorce.

Both parties were struggling—not just with the logistics of the estate but with the emotional toll of grieving a parent and a marriage simultaneously. There was conflict over how the inherited assets should be handled, with concerns that the other spouse might try to claim part of the inheritance, even though the trust was intended solely for the benefit of the children.

Throughout the process, I ensured that both parents were treated with respect and dignity, keeping the focus on their mutual goal of protecting their children’s future. I helped the inheriting spouse understand the trust’s provisions while also reassuring the other spouse that the divorce proceedings would not interfere with the trust administration. By keeping communication clear and showing empathy for both sides, I helped facilitate a resolution that honored the deceased parent’s wishes while ensuring that the couple could move forward with the divorce without additional financial disputes over the trust.

Probate Case with Sibling Disputes

During a probate case involving three siblings who were at odds over their mother’s estate, tensions ran high, and emotions frequently spilled over into our meetings. One sibling, in particular, felt deeply betrayed, convinced that the others were scheming to cut him out of his inheritance. Despite the intensity of their arguments, I remained calm and compassionate throughout, making sure to listen to all sides with patience and empathy.

I made a point to ensure each sibling felt heard, often scheduling separate conversations so they could express their frustrations in a more private setting. I emphasized that the goal was to honor their mother’s wishes and keep the family intact, which helped ease the tension. By encouraging a more understanding approach, we were able to create a fair division of the estate and preserve the family’s relationships, which was as important to them as the financial outcome.

Litigation and Death Threats During the Pandemic

One of the most challenging cases I handled involved a client who, out of desperation, made death threats during a probate litigation. It was the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, and I was working from home with my small daughter and wife in the next room. The threats were alarming, especially given the isolation and stress of the pandemic, but I understood that the client was acting out of fear and anxiety, not malice.

Rather than react with anger or fear, I treated the client with compassion. I reached out to express my concern for their well-being and to offer resources that could help them through the emotional strain of the situation. We arranged for additional support, and I calmly set boundaries for our interactions to ensure the safety of my family while continuing to represent them. Over time, the client apologized and acknowledged their distress, and we were able to proceed with the case in a more constructive manner. This situation underscored the importance of compassion, even in the most difficult and personal of circumstances.